Your Benefits

The Benefits of Jesus' Sufferings

These benefits are yours now. They are included in your salvation.



  • You are chosen by God and accepted in the Beloved.
  • You are protected and delivered from the plans of your enemies.
  • You are a friend of Jesus, and He will never leave you or forsake you.
  • You are priceless in the eyes of God.
  • You are one of Jesus’ disciples.
  • You were purchased with the precious blood of Jesus.
  • You have joy inexpressible and full of glory because you believe in Jesus.
  • The Spirit of Christ lives in you and will enable you to stay faithful to God’s will and purpose for your life.
  • You can pray peacefully and effectively without fearing the future or doubting that God will hear your prayers
  • You can live courageously without the fear of anything or anyone.
  • You are free from the power of sin and no longer a slave to sin.
  • You have Jesus’ rest and will never be alone again.
  • You can sleep peacefully every night despite the trials you are going through or who betrays you.
  • You have been set free and liberated from everyone and everything that ever bound you or held you captive.
  • Jesus confesses you before His Father and His angels; they will always be with you and never forsake you.
  • You are declared spotless, perfect, holy, and blameless.
  • You are shielded and protected by Jesus.
  • You are vindicated and saved from your enemies.
  • You are justified and declared righteous and innocent by God.
  • You are accepted by God, favored, and approved by many people.
  • You will not come into condemnation because you are in Christ Jesus, because you believe Jesus is the Christ.
  • You are justified freely by God’s grace and Jesus’ blood.
  • You will be judged by Jesus Christ before His judgment seat in heaven and declared innocent, righteous, and holy.
  • You are loved and admired by God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and all the hosts of heaven.
  • You have been ransomed and acquitted of your guilt, condemnation, and the punishment you deserve.
  • You are healed and made whole with Jesus’ stripes.
  • You have peace with God, and the peace of God abides in you.
  • You are honored, highly favored, and will be treated with kindness, dignity, and respect.
  • You are clothed with the garments of salvation.
  • You will be crowned with an imperishable crown of righteousness, life, and, for some, glory and honor.
  • You will reign in life through Jesus Christ, in His name, His authority, and His righteousness, by the power of God.
  • You are a sovereign priest to God, of His royal bloodline.
  • You are crowned with loving kindness and tender mercies.
  • You are free from the curse of the ground and blessed in the work of your hands.
  • You can walk by faith, unashamed, with dignity and godly pride.
  • You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
  • You don’t have to carry any burdens that are too heavy to bear alone.
  • You don’t have to suffer extreme pain in your body.
  • You can become rich through Jesus’ poverty.
  • You are clothed and covered with the righteousness of Jesus.
  • You are blessed, approved, unashamed, and honored.
  • You are forgiven of all your sins, past, present, and future.
  • You have Jesus’ complete wholeness.
  • You are free from the demands of the law and justified by faith in Jesus Christ.
  • You are redeemed from the curse of the law of sin and death and blessed with the blessing of Abraham.
  • You are beautiful, faultless, holy, and unblemished.
  • You are numbered with the righteous.
  • Your sins have been purged and erased from God’s sight forever.
  • You are the righteousness of God in Christ.
  • You have put on and are clothed with the righteousness of Jesus.
  • God will never leave or forsake you because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit love you and live in you.
  • You are adopted by God; you are His beloved child and will cry out, Abba, Father, for all eternity.
  • You are sealed with the Holy Spirit because you believe in Jesus and will never thirst again.
  • You are free from all generational curses.
  • You can forgive everyone who sins against you, be free from unforgiveness, and love your enemies.
  • You are redeemed and reconciled to God the Father by the shed blood of God the Son.
  • You are sanctified and perfected forever.
  • You can finish everything you are called to do.
  • You have abundant, eternal life in and through Jesus Christ.
  • You will live long.
  • You will always live and move and have your being in God.
  • You can come into God’s presence whenever you want.
  • You have more proof to believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
  • You are justified freely by God’s grace and Jesus’ blood because you believe in Him.
  • You will never go to hell, but you will live in heaven in a new body for all eternity.
  • You will be raised from the dead (or raptured) when Jesus returns for us.
  • You are an overcomer, victorious, and more than a conqueror.
  • You have everything you need in every area and every aspect of your life