What I believe

My personal statement of faith.

I believe in one God who exists in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Bible is God’s word, inspired by Him, and written accurately by those He chose.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life on this earth, then suffered and died on the cross for the sins of the world.

Jesus shed His blood from the Garden of Gethsemane until His death on the cross to cleanse us from our sins forever, to redeem and reconcile us to His Father, to make atonement for our souls, to purchase our salvation, to inaugurate the new covenant.

Jesus chose to die on the cross to bear the punishment for our sins, so we would be pardoned of the punishment we deserve.

Jesus suffered many things and died so we can have abundant, eternal life.

Whoever believes in Jesus Christ and calls upon His name will be saved from eternal death and given the gift of abundant, eternal life.

Jesus rose from the dead, showed Himself alive to many people, ascended back to heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Water baptism is a symbolic, outward declaration of dying to our old life, being buried with Christ, and being raised with Him in the newness of life.

The Holy Communion is what Jesus commanded every believer to do regularly, in remembrance of everything He did for us.

The Holy Spirit came to live in all believers as our advocate, comforter, helper, teacher, counselor, and guide. To produce His nine fruits in each of us, to give His nine gifts to the ones He chooses to give them to, and to intercede for us by praying in other languages through us.

God wants to supply all our needs and bless us so we can be blessed and be a blessing to others.

All Christians are called to help proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person on earth, so they may believe in Him and be saved.

Jesus is coming back for those who died believing in Him and those believers who are still alive when He returns. We will be raptured and taken to heaven to live with Him, His Father, the Holy Spirit, God’s angels, and all the hosts of heaven for all eternity.